
A student of the game.

  • Published in Insider, Forbes.

  • 465-day publishing streak.

  • Blog in top 10% most popular on all Shopify stores Dec 2020.

  • B.A. Organizational Communication.

Specializing in copywriting for pitch decks, social ads, and sales pages.

See what I can do for your brand.

Copywriting Services

Sales & Landing Pages 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽

If your sales pages and landing pages aren’t converting, I can help. I leverage clarity and creativity to inspire your customers to buy.

Lead Generators 🔋

I write and create E-books, guides, and checklists. These are proven ways to gather emails and earn trust with customers.

SEO-Friendly Articles 🏄🏻

I write articles that bring value to customers while surfing the SEO waves with keywords and phrases to grow your business.

Email & SMS Campaigns 🤳🏽

Email and SMS bring you straight to your customers’ most focused environments. I write email and SMS campaigns that sell.

Pitch Decks ⚾️

Service-based businesses live and die by the pitch. I write and design clear and beautiful custom decks that win clients over.

Product Descriptions 📈

The product description is the final stand against customer objections. I write aspirational copy to get customers to act.

Adversiting Copy 📣

I write words thats sell for digital, print, and broadcast ad campaigns. Stand out in a sea of sameness with creative copy.

Creator FX Bundle

Reese Hopper wrote a $375,000 sales page for Creator FX Bundle in their launch.

This $375k sales page ran for just 10 days and won over 3800 customers.

Creator FX Bundle approached me in April 2020 with a big idea. They were packaging 100+ digital assets from Instagram's most talented creators and selling them at an insane discount. The traffic would be heavy, but they had no established brand and a tight turnaround.

They needed copy that could turn all that attention into sales. I wrote all the website copy, including a sales page, product descriptions, creator bios, and their tagline: “The furthest $100 will ever take your career.”

  • Good news and bad news.

    Good news: Anyone can create videos now.
    Bad news: Everyone is.

    So what sets your videos apart?

    These creators have all carved out solid careers for themselves. How? By perfecting the small details. Think of Spencer Miller’s text animations, Jeremiah Davis’ Twitch effect, GimbalGod’s LUTS–they’ve all got their style. Details make all the difference, but can take years to perfect.

    Not Anymore.

    These creators have packaged their best work into one bundle. They’re cleaning house, and offering it at an unprecedented price point.

    The catch? It only lasts one week.

    April 3-10, 2020 is the only time to purchase the Creator FX Bundle.

    The video space is moving faster than ever. There isn’t time to learn every program. Grab the Creator FX Bundle. Notch up your work. Steal their style, then make it your own.

    This is the furthest $100 will ever take your career.

The Editing Formula

Copywriter Reese Hopper wrote a $150,000 sales page for The Editing Formula by Jordan Orme.

This $150k sales page inspired 300 customers to chase their dreams.

Jordan Orme has edited videos for stars like Justin Bieber, Post Malone, Google, Nike, and Facebook, and has grown his YouTube audience to over 550k. But he came to me looking for a way to monetize his new project: an online editing class.

I wrote email capture campaigns that earned over 8,000 email addresses. Then I wrote social ads and email blasts to push leads to the sales page. And I wrote the sales page that did the rest. The result? A great passive income stream for Jordan, and a career-changing class for 300+ people around the world.


    Learn the editing tools the pros use.

    Understand the storytelling strategies that inspire audiences.

    Master the winning creative mindset to build your editing career.


    The Editing Formula doesn’t just teach editing skills. It’s designed to transform you into a professional editor, top to bottom.

    Understanding the techniques is one thing–and we cover those thoroughly–but having creative confidence and a business plan that’s proven in the modern world? That’s another thing entirely. If you take this masterclass and devote ample time and energy to it, you’ll have everything you need to turn editing into a $100k career.


    • Edited a Nike commercial from start to finish

    • Edited a short music video

    • Learned all the essential tools of your editing software

    • Developed the storytelling strategies that inspire audiences

    • Mastered the winning creative mindset used by the world’s best editors

    • Sped up your editing workflow exponentially

    • Mixed audio tracks to perfectly delicious levels

    • Honed essential color grading skills

    • Discovered a new world of creativity within video editing

    • Created a business plan to reach $100k in revenue in two years as a video-maker



    Are you looking to make awesome TikTok or YouTube videos?

    Or maybe you’re already a creative, looking to add video editing skills. Or maybe you’re a videographer who wants to tell richer stories.

    There’s one thing that’s true for all of us at some point...


    Trust me, I know. It’s like, you have a vision in your head of what your video could look like, but when it comes time to edit, that vision just doesn’t come to life.


    To pull that vision out of your head, and put it on the screen. For years, I had trouble creating videos that people cared about. But once I developed this formula, it landed me clients like Justin Bieber, Post Malone, Google, Nike, and Facebook.


    The Editing Formula helps you learn the editing tools that the pros use. It helps you understand the storytelling strategies that inspire audiences. It empowers you to create the videos that you always dreamed of.


    Along with hundreds of others in my masterclass today.

    Don’t let your dreams lose stream. The only one who can see your vision come to life is you. No one else can pull it out of your head.

    The Editing Formula will give you the tools and the confidence, to do just that. By the end of this class, you’ll have edited a Nike commercial, a music video, learned a winning creative mindset, and created a business plan to reach $100k in revenue in two years as a video-maker.

    I’ll see you in class,

    –Jordan Orme

DJI Product Launch

Copywriting by Reese Hopper for a $90,000 DJI pitch deck

This pitch deck won a logo-on-the-website client, and $90k in revenue to boot.

DJI approached my previous agency with the opportunity to pitch a new product launch video. Traditionally, DJI handles their product launch videos entirely in-house. A brand connection we had nurtured over 3 years was able to give us a shot–and we needed to nail it.

I wrote copy that proved we understood their values and could accomplish their goals. The result was a winning pitch, and an incredible project.


    Life moves fast. While consumers recognize the need to capture their lives, they won’t use a camera that slows them down. DJI created the Pocket II for these people–the perfect camera for our moment in time. The trick is creating a video that gets people to slow down and check it out.

    In this concept, we aim to present the Pocket II to the world, giving it back to the people who inspired it. We’ll be adventurous but not extreme; cool but not inaccessible; fun but not cheesy. Our goal is to create a piece that shows people the beautiful life all around them, while positioning the Pocket II as the perfect camera companion for that life.

    The piece begins with a series of classic lay-down shots. Each one shows a different slice of life, while having one thing in common: the Pocket II.


    Next to the water bottle and the running shoes is the Pocket II, ready for a trail run. On the counter with the lipstick and the tickets is the Pocket II, excited for the evening out. The Pocket II cozies up with the graham crackers and chocolates–time for s’mores!

    This intro sequence will show the main selling point of the Pocket II: its perfect size. Additionally, the contrasting settings will be introduced, and the quick- cut digital-first tone will be established.

    A hand grabs the Pocket II, removing it from each frame, one-by-one.

    The action begins.

    The settings from each beginning lay-down are expanded, showing lively characters enjoying each scene. This is where things get fun. Match cuts juxtapose a city lifestyle with an outdoor lifestyle. High heels step into cars curbside and boots step out of cars creekside. Characters enter a city movie theater– cut to an outdoor projector movie viewing. A woman wondrously points at a mountain–cut to a man pointing at a skyscraper.

    Basic Pocket II features are displayed here, as the characters visibly navigate the interface and capabilities of the camera in their settings. User experience and ease are always evident–no one breaks a sweat using the Pocket II. Each sequence leads the characters to the moment of truth, then cuts before the payoff.

    The end is all about payoff. The hills they topped are bombed. The s’mores they made are devoured. The moments they created create connection for them. During this end section, additional one-off scenes with recognizable talent will show them doing what they do best. Anyone who grew up online will know.

    Advanced Pocket II capabilities are flexed here: ActiveTrack 3.0, Motionlapse, Waterproofing, and more. During the payoff, we’ll go all in. There’s no scene the Pocket II can’t capture, no reason you don’t need it.

    The film ends showing people enjoying their moments. Finally, close-up shots show the Pocket II being packed up, tying the film together and celebrating the incredible size again.

    The DJI logo appears on screen.

The Chainsmokers - Family

Copywriting by Reese Hopper for The Chainsmokers Music Video Family.

This video earned 15 million views and counting.

The Chainsmokers approached my agency to source, curate, and edit a music video about Rory Kramer for their touching song, Family. Rory was a touring videographer for The Chainsmokers, and a good friend of the group. Rory had recently survived a brutal car accident, and leaned on Drew and Alex from The Chainsmokers during that time.

The challenge was writing a story that was compelling enough for American audiences without alienating The Chainsmokers' avid global fan base. The solution was writing concise lines that were simultaneously fun for english speakers and simple for non-english speakers.

  • This is Rory.

    Rory picked up a camera for the first time when he was 15. He did what a lot of teenagers do with cameras.

    But then he got serious about his work. Rory documented his life in the coolest way he could. Pretty soon, a small DJ duo called The Chainsmokers noticed Rory’s videos. They invited him on tour.

    Rory met other underground DJs. Like Kygo. They paid for Rory’s food, flights, hotels, and gave him a little extra cash. After a few years, Rory’s career caught up with his talent. He starred in a TV show about his life. But somewhere along the way, Rory got too busy to look out for himself.

    Rory tore his ACL, bringing his non-stop lifestyle to a halt. Rory’s mental health took a bad turn, sending him into a dark season.

    On July 13th, 2018, Rory got in a car accident. This was Rory’s car. This was the tree he hit. It didn't matter how busy they were. All of Rory's family took the time to call, visit, and show love.

    Alex and Drew were anchors in Rory’s life as he recovered. Without his family, Rory wouldn’t have been able to carry on. Rory reconnected with his long time friend Amy. She was the glue in his life. Rory and Amy are engaged now.

    Checking up on your friends is cool.

    Take 30 seconds to message someone you care about.

U Suck At Golf - SS ‘21 Ads

Copywriting by Reese Hopper for U Suck At Golf's social ad campaign.

“For golfers who refuse to lay up… but probably should.”

Golf exploded during the pandemic, and the comedic golf brand U Suck At Golf needed to step up their game. They approached my previous agency to write and produce their Spring / Summer 2021 social ad campaign.

The result was a behemoth campaign consisting of 100x ever-so-slightly different ads for split testing that kicked their sales into high gear during the months that really mattered.

  • Spokesman Ad

    “I’ve got bad news and good news, my friend.
    Bad news? You suck at golf.
    Good news? We do too.
    That’s why we called our brand U Suck At Golf.

    “So if you believe mulligans should be legalized, and quality golf shirts shouldn’t cost $150, check out our website.

    “We’ve got polos, pants, towels, and much more. For golfers who refuse to lay up, but probably should? Fore!”


    Golf Pants Ad

    “I wear these in the office at least once a week!” –Jarrod G.

    Boss satisfaction not guaranteed (especially with your performance).

    But customer satisfaction is guaranteed.

    Shop pants risk-free with our Mulligan Guarantee.


    Polo Ad

    Introducing the best golf polos ever.

    Moisture-wicking fabric keeps you dry… even while standing over a 3-footer for bogey.

    Shop polos risk free with our Mulligan Guarantee.