Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Left foot. Right foot.

You know the difference you can make for someone’s project in a day, or even just a few hours. Yet we have a hard time believing other creatives could do the same for us. This is walking. This is the left foot and the right foot of commanding larger budgets for your projects: invest in quality, then get more money.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

The New Freelancer’s Advantage: Attunement

There’s a study in which different people were tasked with interpreting an email. Those deemed in “high-power” positions were much worse at understanding the perspective of the email sender than those in “low-power” positions.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Charge what it’s worth—not what it costs 

I had walked too far to turn back but wasn’t sure how much further I had to go. Then, a woman driving a golf cart (decked out with neon lights and a speaker playing house music) rolled up to me. “Want a ride?” She said. “$20.” 

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

How to earn more as a freelancer

In order to make more money as a freelancer, you have to be willing to leave money on the table. You have to be able to say no to money when it’s offered to you.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Want to win a pitch? Respond quick (here’s how) 

Want to win a pitch? You’ll need to respond quick. In a world of endless options, we often think that our clients will be combing the market for the very best deal, and the highest quality option. But we fail to consider one thing: people are busy.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

10 One-Sentence Pitching Tips (To Help You Win More Clients)

1. Pitches have a much higher chance of success when you have a previous relationship with the person you’re pitching to.
2. The person you’re pitching to knows their business front and back, which means they also know when you’re simply pretending to understand theirs.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

Pitching Psychology: Pitch When You’re Confident 

Don’t let the words of bad clients who said you were “too expensive” reverberate longer than they already have. Drown out these voices, or walk away from them until they fade. Sometimes, the most helpful thing you can do for a pitch is to stop working on it until you feel confident again.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

How To Email Brands (Free Email Template)

The cursor is blinking. The page is blank. You know you need to email brands to get more work, but you have no idea what to write. Finally, you send out a couple emails. Compulsively, you refresh your inbox again and again, waiting for a response. There has to be a better way, right? There is. It’s called an email template.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

3 Questions to Ask new Clients

Working with new clients is exciting! But don’t get too excited, ok? It can be tempting to jump straight into the work once you get a project approved. But taking a moment to zoom out, and understand what your client really wants is crucial. Here are three questions to ask new clients to make sure you nail your new creative project.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

How To Retain Clients Better in 2022

Losing clients is part of the game of freelancing. But losing most of your clients might mean you aren’t very good at the game. Long-lasting client relationships depend on two things: great work and great service. Over the past five years, I’ve developed a few best practices that help me cultivate lasting relationships with great clients. I’ll share them with you below.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

5 Steps To Get More Clients This Month 

Whether this year is exciting or daunting for you, the fact remains: you need to get more clients this month. But there’s a big difference between wishing you had more clients, and actually doing the hard work to get more clients. I’m going to teach you how to do the latter.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

How to Design Clean, Simple Pitch Decks

Your pitch deck skills suck. That’s why you just googled “how to make clean, simple pitch decks,” or something to that effect. No need to be ashamed! You’ve come to the right place. I’m going to show you four key principles that will have you nailing your deck design every time.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

What if Rejection Didn’t Bother You?

The one who can reach out to one hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand brands, paying no attention to the overwhelming majority of rejection, is the one who can grow their career at will.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

What To Do When a Client Ghosts You

So you got ghosted. You made a connection, you hopped on a call, you sent over a quote–and got no answer. Your potential client vanished into thin air after you did all this work. It’s a bummer. But with the right mindset and the right strategy, ghosting can happen with less frequently and bother you less each time.

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Reese Hopper Reese Hopper

How To Increase Clarity in Your Pitches

Clarity is so important in pitches, because your service is uncharted territory for the client. The reason they would hire someone like you is so you can bring new expertise that they don’t have. So when your pitch is unclear, it makes a foggy experience even more difficult to comprehend for your client.

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